The Spiral Wars Series, by Joel Shepherd Wiki

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  • Sulik characters feature in Kantovan Vault, in minor but important roles

known sulik[]

  • Ambassador Tua, Erik's Tsubarata liaison, is sulik (see Kantovan Vault)
  • Bravo’s Private Cruze is an honorary sulik:

“A gift,” said the tavalai with surprise. “The collar denotes an informal rank. It makes one an honorary sulik, with privileges in sulik society. Common enough among sulik, but very rare to be granted to aliens.” (KV - 22)


Sulik, Erik recognised only from old school lessons, never having seen one before in person. This sulik was a little shorter than him, and hunched with a body more horizontal than vertical, like some great, walking bird of old Earth… save that the sulik had long arms that could double as legs when speed was required. Its neck was long, its face like a great cross, with mouth on the lower stem and eyes on the wide stem, and a tall head crest on the upper. It wore a large breathing device over mouth and nostrils, as sulik preferred a much more oxygen-rich atmosphere than this one, and could become out-of-breath in thin non-sulik air. “Greetings,” it said via a translator speaker, past a natural voice that sounded more animal-screech than language. Erik had not found an alien more disconcerting to meet in person since the first time he’d seen a sard, but sulik were known to be gentle... (KV 16)