The Spiral Wars Series, by Joel Shepherd Wiki

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  • anatomy similar to humans, but hairier
  • most barabo have a scruffy, hairy, colorful, and informal appearance. The more hair the better, apparently
  • "The Tuki Stationmaster was snow white, with yellow rimmed eyes and long, fine hair strung with beads, most unlike the scruffy, bristle-bearded majority." (DL-3)
  • hairy, often restrained in dreadlocks, and bearded

Rang Gan leaned forward to peer at the bottle from within bristling dreadlocks and thick beard. In many barabo cultures, a head like a giant bird’s nest was a sign of dignified age and learning, for men at least. And sometimes for women. β€œWhat drink?” asked the Stationmaster. (DL -13)

  • even females have beards:

"A loud female voice shouted in Palapu, and Dale looked to see a new officer arriving. Her red uniform was striped and she had short black dreadlocks, tight beneath her uniform cap, and the short trimmed beard that passed for feminine among barabo." (DL-19)

Barabo eschew war

Weak Military[]

  • lazy, fun-loving, social, they rely on others for protection, first the tavalai and now β€”they hope β€” Fleet
  • military have shaving marks on neck. Captain Jen Fan, of Rai Jang warship, for example::

"His black beard and hair were neatly trimmed, and he had odd shaving marks in his neck that Erik hadn’t seen before. His uniform was black and grey, also most restrained for a barabo.” (DL-13)

  • but military is an underfunded afterthought:

β€œYou’re barabo fleet?” Erik asked. β€œBarabo military?”

Captain Jen Fan (of Rai Jang) nodded without enthusiasm. β€œAm that. Soldier.”

β€œWhy can’t you fight sard? This is barabo space, but barabo don’t fight for it.”

The barabo’s wide mouth turned down in a jaw-grinding frustration. β€œBecause barabo like party,” he said bitterly. β€œBarabo like fun, like good time, barabo no like fight... Some barabo fight β€”me, friend captain, friend crew. Few barabo, only few. Other barabo not come. Barabo government give us no money, yes? We three ship here, Joma Station base." (DL-13)

β€œWhen the Triumvirate War had begun, human space had been a long way from barabo space. When humans had begun drawing near, some of the more determined barabo had demanded that their tavalai friends and mentors deserved barabo assistance in the war. Ships had been built, and a small fleet sent to help β€” all largely destroyed in several disastrous actions against the hardened and brutally efficient human forces. Barabo had quickly decided to leave the fighting to the tavalai, in the hope that when humans eventually won, as had probably seemed inevitable, they’d not be too hostile. Tavalai had been the true guarantors of security in this neutral space, but the tavalai conditions of surrender had left them with barely enough ships to maintain security in their own remaining space.” (DL-3)

Barabo Space[]

Cross reference Places

  • Neutral space, previously patrolled by Tavalai fleet and Dobruta
  • Adjacent to vicious sard space, so barabo now seek Human support, particularly from Fleet
Vieno, in barabo space, blue oceans, spaceport city


  • Chonki system β€” rocky, where ships hunted Phoenix in Drysine Legacy ch 10
  • Joma Station - in Kazak System. Not very friendly to Phoenix. Barabo frightened of the many sard on docks.
  • Kazak System β€” Joma station, Vola station, etc.
  • Kolabu System β€” includes Tuki Station and the scenic blue planet Vieno, where Charlie Platoon bought seafood. (DL-3)

β€œ It’s a long way from here. It’s in barabo space, in Kolabu System, a world called Vieno. We came past it two years ago, it has a big barabo space station there called Tuki, built by the tavalai, it’s a big trading port. There’s maybe one hundred and fifty million barabo on Vieno, very light population, and the barabo are nice, pretty close to human and corbi, all like one family, really. (QD-5)

  • Tuki Station - colorful and friendly, where Erik Debogande got money from mommy -$13.6mil, via Jigo Trade, Ben Guring (DL-3)
  • Vieno - pretty green and blue planet where Charlie Platoon bought seafood in bulk, near Tuki station
  • Vola Station - where Lieutenant Dale and some Alpha marines escorted arms officer Karle to buy vipers (missiles), and where Dale met a Fleet bigwig